EITS, but do not like it. Namco Bandai will only really released the game Sailor Moon when there is a huge demand from fans. For those who grew up in the era of the 90s and the fans of the anime, Sailor Moon is familiar. Naoko Takeuchi's manga was later remade in 2014 with the title of Sailor Moon Crystal."This led us to develop an exciting game that treats Sailor Moon franchise the right way and we want to know that the fans should support us," said Tak Miyazoe, the Senior Manager and IP Strategy at Bandai Namco.
"There are other factors that make us decide whether or not to make the game, but two of these factors becomes a big question that we should ask before we started the project," he added.
Furthermore Miyazoe said if it actually does not matter if you have to bring back the game Sailor Moon to the audience. But he needed proof of the fans that they really wanted a re-created game Sailor Moon.
Poured into the form of a video game is actually not new to Sailor Moon. Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon is the first title game Sailor Moon, released in 1993 by a developer named Angel.
After that, titles other Sailor Moon also appear. Unfortunately, most of Sailor Moon game titles is reserved in his own country. French became the lucky country and the only place Sailor Moon game release in 1994.
Talking about the game Sailor Moon, most of those games that brought the concept of Sailor Moon beat em up games and fighting games with a side-scrolling game modes and puzzles. One game, even not have a plot that is bound to the anime or manga, quoted from Gamespot, Thursday (04/16/2015).
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