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Saturday, 18 April 2015

Twitter Make Emoji Star Wars

Twitter know Star Wars fans will be excited to talk about the latest Star Wars movie series. The microblogging site also wants to participate enliven his with the release of Star Wars emoji.
Through its official blog post, Twitter participated enthusiastically welcomed the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Working closely with Disney and Lucasfilm, Twitter allows users, especially the fans of Star Wars post a tweet about everything smelling Star Wars by adding specially designed emoji.

"It's easy to tweet #StarWarsEmoji. The user who posted hashtag representing the keywords related to Star Wars character or theme will see emoji icons appear after the hashtag," explains Twitter as quoted by his blog, Sunday (19/04/2015) .
Twitter pointed out, emoji which will appear in the tweet is when the user types the hashtag # C3P0, #Stormtrooper, # BB8 or anything related to Star Wars.

Sites with characteristic 140 characters promises will add more emoji Star Wars, so that when the release of his latest film later crowded, emoji which appear even more diverse.

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